AFC SaaS Platform


Discover our solutions

AFC SaaS provides you with a foundation built on Microsoft Azure technology combined with Solitwork’s extensive experience in software, business intelligence and digital finance. With AFC SaaS you will get an end-to-end analytical model, which can quickly adapt to the changes in your business. You will be able to manage all changes directly in the easy-to-use front-end tool, while we handle the monitoring and ensure best in class security and compliance.

Below you can read much more on how you will be able to take your Digital Finance to the next level.

  • Industry leader within public cloud computing platform
  • Reliable, integrated backup, georedundancy
  • Scalable cloud access
  • Ensure best in class Cyber security
  • Analytics and Intelligence
  • Unmatched Hybrid Capabilities


  • Common repository for
    business data and rules
  • Common metadata model
  • End-to-end analytical model
  • Integrated Environment with Other Microsoft Tools
  • Control access rights


  • Quickly adaption to changes in your business environment
  • Very low IT-Staff footprint
  • Your toolbox is always up-to-date
  • Very high degree of self-service
  • End-to-end analytical model


Microsoft Azure

Solitwork believe a SaaS platform build on Microsoft AZURE is the right choice in a world of accelerating business and technological changes

Do you recognize these questions?

Key features of Microsoft Azure

Future proof icon

Future proof platform

Future proof platform – most innovative Cloud platform

Enhanced security icon

Enhanced Security

Best in class within enhanced Security

Scalable platform

Scalable platform

Best in class within Performance & Scalability

Familiar platform

AZURE is a well-established platform for IT professionals

Core functionalities

The core of AFC is built to be a stable engine for complex calculations while still providing flexibility and self-service options

Do you recognize these questions?

Key features of Core functionalities

Near-real-time icon


Stable job system that ensures near real time updates without straining the source systems

Self-service interface

Enrich master data with analytical attributes using the AFC web management portal

Agile icon


AFC is controlled and configured using a set of meta data that ensures that changes can be implemented swiftly

End to end icon

End-to-end user management

Set up and control access rights to all parts of the analytical model, ensuring that the end users can only see the data they are supposed to

Business Values

With AFC you will have the ability to do high quality reporting and analytics across the many systems you use in your organization, both now and in the future

Do you recognize these questions?

Key features of Business Values

Repository icon

Repository for business rules

Includes audit trail that allows for traceability through business logic and rules

Agile mode icon

Agile model

Flexible and agile model that can grow with the business


Self service, using the AFC web management portal, allows making necessary adjustments quickly without involving IT or external partners

Extremely icon

Extremely fast set-up

Short timeframe from idea to solution through out-of-the-box best practice analytical model

Customer journey

SaaS scalable cloud platform that can absorb changes in the business model and business scope over time – Cost transparent and agile sizing

Want to hear even more about how we can rethink your digital finance?